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Writings & Talks

Two women using tablets to scan portions of a historic image.
Screen capture of a network visualization of people in the Dictionary of Art Historians with key nodes annotated.
Slide about project management, process, and self-reflexivity. Includes an image of a red budding cluster of flowers.

I have written and published on topics ranging from 3D modeling and digital pedagogy to theories of slowness and project management. In both writing and presenting, I have worked with a variety of collaborators from across the humanities and libraries professions. Throughout these activities, I have been concerned with the ways in which each topic or question intersects with ethics and inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility.


3D Modeling, GIS, & Extended Reality

With Paul B. Jaskot, Cosimo Monteleone, and Mark Olson. “An Intersecting and Interoperable History of Krakow under Nazi Occupation: Modeling the Built Environment for Analyzing the Holocaust.” In Holocaust & Genocide Studies. Anticipated 2025.

With Kristin Huffman and David Zielinski. “Representing Early Modern Venice: Augmented Reality Experiences in Exhibitions.” In International Journal for Digital Art History, vol. 6, October 27. 2023. https://doi.org/10.11588/dah.2021.6.84501.

“SketchUp and Sketchfab: Tools for Teaching with 3D.” In Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 81, 2 June 2022. 256-259. https://doi.org/10.1525/jsah.2022.81.2.256.

“Zaha Hadid at Serpentine Galleries.” Art Libraries Society of North America Multimedia & Technology Reviews. February 2019.

“Appendix: Teaching Historical 3D Modeling Techniques: The Sta. Margherita Portal.” In Visualizing Venice: Mapping and Modeling Time and Change in a City. Eds. Kristin L. Huffman, Andrea Giordano, Caroline Bruzelius. New York: Rutledge, 2017.

Digital Pedagogy

With Beth Fischer. “A Repository of Shared Pedagogical Practices: Assignments in Visualizing Objects, Places, and Spaces: A Digital Project Handbook.” In Interdisciplinary Digital Engagement in Arts & Humanities, vol. 3, no. 4, June 06, 2023. https://doi.org/10.21428/f1f23564.1572e06c.

With Kathryn Wymer, Victoria Szabo, & Russell Robinson. “A tale of two Durhams: how Duke University and North Carolina Central University are increasing access and building community through DH pedagogy.” In What We Teach When We Teach DH: Digital Humanities In The Classroom. Edited by Brian Croxall and Diane Jakacki. Minnesota, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2023.

“Getty Started with Digital Humanities in the Classroom.” Art History Teaching Resources Weekly Blog. October 12, 2018.

With Caroline Bruzelius. “The Living Syllabus: Rethinking the Introductory Course to Art History with Interactive Visualization.” Art History Pedagogy & Practice, volume 1, issue 2, 2017.

“Collaborative Teaching & Digital Visualization in an Art History Classroom.” Visual Resources Association Bulletin, volume 43, issue 2, 2016.

Historical Data

With Lee Sorensen. “Dictionary of Art Historians – Art Historian Entries 2017-2023.” Duke Research Data Repository. January 17, 2024. https://doi.org/10.7924/r4vd71x1m.

With Amanda Henley, Lorin Bruckner, Matthew Jansen, Brianna Nuñez, Rolando Rodriguez, and Morgan Wilson. “On the Books: Jim Crow and Algorithms of Resistance, a Collections as Data Case Study.” In Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, vol. 16, no. 4, Accepted September 2023. https://doi.org/10.1145/3631128.

“Session Laws Passed by the North Carolina General Assembly during 1866/67-1967, Identified by Keyword Searching as Laws related to Mental Health Disability, and Addiction, with Laws Likely to be Jim Crow Laws Identified by the On The Books: Jim Crow and Algorithms of Resistance Project.” Carolina Digital Repository. Last modified July 20, 2023. https://doi.org/10.17615/akyf-jk34.

Ethics & Community Archives

With Chaitra Powell and Brianna McGruder. “The Hungry River Collective: Engaging Black Feminism, an Ethics of Care, Slowness, and Community-Driven Principles in Commemoration, Preservation, and Scholarship.” In Record, Document, Archive: Constructing the South Out of Region. Under contract with LSU Press. Anticipated 2025.


Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Accessibility

Forum Co-Facilitator, “Representation Matters: How Do We Promote a Radically Inclusive Digital Humanities?,” Digital Humanities 2020 Virtual Conference, July 20-24, 2020.

Project Management

Invited Presenter, “Digital Humanities Projects in Process; or Making Collaborative [Digital] Humanities Happen,” National Humanities Center, March 2, 2023, March 10, 2022, and March 10, 2021.

Invited Presenter, “Digital Humanities & Project Management,” Illinois Wesleyan DH Summer Camp, July 14, 2022.

Invited Presenter, “Making Digital Art History Happen: Resources & Methods,” Art Libraries Society of North America Annual Conference, April 5-9, 2022.

Presenter, “Project Management in Media Res: Strategies for Mid-Stage Digital Art History Projects,” Panel on Advanced Topics in Digital Art History: 3D Geospatial Networks, College Art Association Annual Conference, February 13, 2019.

Co-Presenter with Erica Hayes & Nathan Kelber, “Project Management and DH,” Digital Humanities Nuts and Bolts: From Idea to Sustainable Project, National Humanities Center, October 2, 2018.

Respondent, “Sonic Dictionary Visioning Event,” Publishing Makerspace & Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke University, September 16, 2016.

Historical Data & Visualization

Co-Presenter with Lee Sorensen, “The Dictionary of Art Historians: Studying Art History at Scale,” Mass Data Methodologies Workshop, Paul Mellon Centre, December 9, 2022.

Invited Presenter with Nathan Kelber, “On the Books: Jim Crow & Algorithms of Resistance,” Special Libraries Association Annual Conference, July 31-August 2, 2022.

Presenter, “Network Visualizations as Research Environments: Intellectual & Personal Networks in the Dictionary of Art Historians,” Digital Humanities Institute 2022: Digital Humanities and the Environment, April 21, 2022.

Instructor, “A Gentle Introduction to Optical Character Recognition with PyTesseract,” Text Analysis Pedagogy Institute, June 14-18, 2021.

Co-Presenter with Lee Sorensen, “Updates from the Dictionary of Art Historians,” Art Historians’ Archives Workshop, Getty Research Institute, January 28, 2019.

Co-Presenter with Lee Sorensen, “Updates from the Dictionary of Art Historians,” Getty Research Portal Workshop, College Art Association Annual Conference, February 22, 2018.

Digital Pedagogy

Invited Discussant, “Roundtable: Setting Up a Digital Humanities Curriculum or Certificate,” Renaissance Society of America, March 19, 2019.

Invited Presenter, “Digital Humanities Pedagogies: Considerations of Audience, Content, Methods, and Tools,” GS 762 Digital Pedagogy, Bass Digital Education Fellows Program, Duke University, February 28 & March 7, 2019.

Presenter, “Flipping the DH Workshop, or Rethinking How We Teach DH Tools,” 2019 Digital Scholarship Open House, Duke University, February 21, 2019.

Poster, “Toward a Framework for Project-Based Learning with Visual Storytelling,” HASTAC 2017: The Possible Worlds of Digital Humanities, November 4, 2017.

Poster, “Points, Lines, Polygons, and Pixels: A Framework for Teaching & Learning Humanities through Visualization,” Digital Humanities 2017: Access/Accès, August 10, 2017.

Presenter, “Collaborative Teaching & Critical Digital Making in an Art History Classroom,” Digital Humanities 2016, July 15, 2016.

Presenter, “Digital Humanities Sampler Platter,” Digital Humanities Initiative, Duke University, April 22, 2016.

Presenter, “Digital Curation in the Arts: Working with the Wired! Lab,” Duke Library Advisory Board, Duke University, April 8, 2016.

Co-Presenter with Caroline Bruzelius, “Demonstration: Using a Neatline Syllabus in the Introductory Art History Survey,” Art Historians Interested in Pedagogy and Technology: “A Signature Pedagogy for Art History in the Twenty-First Century”, College Art Association Annual Conference, February 3, 2016.